Fan Club President


"The First Time I Saw Vic In Person"

In 1949 in my hometown of Buffalo, New York - Vic was going to do a week of stage shows at Shea's Buffalo excited I was to be able to see the singer who I had become a fan of the previous year. In those days, performers would do a stage show at a theatre, they'd show a movie, the performer would do another stage show and they'd show the movie over again - so doing 4-5 stage shows during a day was normal.

My friends and I were there to see Vic - I remember sitting through several shows in a day (as well as having to sit through the movie over again just waiting for Vic to come on again) could stay in the theatre as long as you wanted then....and I know I got in trouble from my parents for being gone so long!!!! After the show, we went to the stage door to wait for Vic to come out - and this is the very first picture I ever had taken with Vic.

Bob Wells, a disc-jockey from WEBR Radio Station in Buffalo also had a Saturday afternoon teen-age dance/record show where they would play records and the kids would dance. Vic was making a guest appearance there and we all went to see him again. I was a fan before but after I saw Vic in person, I became a huge fan - my "addiction" to Vic and his music grew and led me to start a fan club for him.


Ann Titus and Vic"I can't remember Vic Damone and his music not being a part of my life. I was 12 years old when I heard him on the radio for the first time - on the Saturday Night Hit Parade. I saw him in person for the first time the following year at Shea's Buffalo Theatre - that was 1949 and I have been a devoted fan all these years - through my teenage years, marriage, becoming a mother and a grandmother. I started a fan club for Vic in 1949 - one of many he had - then several years later all the fan clubs were combined and I was honored to become President of the "Only Official Vic Damone Fan Club." It has been my pleasure and honor to have seen Vic perform in concert many times throughout the years - in Buffalo, New York City, Toronto, Pittsburgh, Windsor, Florida, Tulsa, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Dallas and we even took a Mississippi River cruise where he was the entertainer. He has always been so nice to Chuck and I when we've traveled to see him, acknowledging my years as a fan and I always appreciated his recognizing that. I have been blessed with the backing of my husband Chuck - he has always been there for me and supported my "addiction" to Vic!!! My admiration, loyalty, respect and love for Vic and his music has been a huge part of my life and always will be. He is, without a doubt, the best singer ever. Being a devoted fan of Vic and his music all my life has been a huge plus, one that I have enjoyed and will continue. I thank Vic for this website - it has been such a wonderful asset for all of us and meeting new fans has been wonderful. Ann Titus
